Heavy Meson Analysis

These analyses share a common analysis task: AliAnalysisTaskNeutralMesonToPiPlPiMiPiNeutralMeson.cxx and can use the same script of the afterburner with different settings for the different mesons and involved NDM.

The entire post-processing from the signal extraction up to the production of the final results is managed be the start_FullPiPlPiMiNDMAnalysis.sh macro. Different parameters can be used to trigger different parts of the analysis chain:

  • -e triggers the extraction of the raw yield in data in ExtactSignalPiPlPiMiPiZeroV2.C

  • -f triggers the full analysis, which includes the signal extraction in both data and MC using ExtactSignalPiPlPiMiNDMV2.C, as well as the correction of the yield using CorrectSignalPiPlPiMiNDMV2.C

  • -p triggers the plotting of all monitoring plots using PiPlPiMiNDMMonitoring.C

  • -c triggers a cutstudy, comparing the extracted histograms for the different cutsettings

  • -s triggers the calculation of the systematic uncertainties, however, this script will have to be very much personalized for each analysis

  • -b triggers the combination of the spectra from the different NDM reconstruction methods using the blue method

  • -r triggers the calculation and plotting of the final results

  • -d activated the debug mode, in which only one cutstring will be run for code debugging

  • -h or simply no argument at all will display a short explaination and a list of the possible arguments

Analysis settings and data paths are specified in CutSelection.csv, included as a template in your Afterburner package. Every row of this table corresponds to one analysis/variation, for which the signal extraction and correction is performed. The systematics and combination are then done based on the entire table.

The first column states, whether a given row should be analyzed or simply ignored. To have the analysis run over a given row simply put an x or similar as the first entry. The second column is used to cluster different cuts into groups of systematic uncertainties, but this is only needed in for the calculation of the systematic uncertainties, so we will ignore this column for now. The next fields are pretty self explainatory: The analysed energy, meson, data and MC period, as well as the paths to the LEGO train output. Then you have to give the Trainconfig and enter a cutnumber included in the file. The next field asks for a ExtractionCutnumber, which is a five digit number, that similar to the established cutstring sets different parameters for the signal extraction. For details on this, please have a look at the PiPlPiMiNDM.h file, in which the different possible parameters are then set, based on the ExtractionCutnumber. The default setting is 00000. The next field asks for the PhotonMode, which you can take from the following table:

After configuring the analysis parameters and data paths in the CutSelection.csv for you analysis, all you have to do to get your corrected cross-sections and everything else is:

  start_FullPiPlPiMiPiZeroAnalysis.sh -fp

The following files are part of the NDM post-processing chain:

  • ExtractSignalPiPlPiMiNMDV2.C: Transforms the train output into raw meson yields - applied to both data and MC

  • CorrectSignalPiPlPiMiNMDV2.C: Combines the raw data and MC yields to create a corrected yield and cross-section

  • PiPlPiMiNDM.h: General heavy meson header file including the mass ranges to be set for each meson and energy

  • PiPlPiMiNDMMonitoring.C: Plotting of the signal extraction and correction (inv. mass bins, efficiency, S/B, ...)

  • CutStudiesPiPlPiMiPiZero.C: Compares the output from the signal extraction and correction script for all cutstrings in the CutSelection.csv file

  • SystematicsPiPlPiMiPiZero.C: Calculates the systematic uncertainty for the 5TeV pp and pPb omega analysis - here, every analysis will need its own file

  • CombineSignalPiPlPiMiPiZero.C: Combines the corrected yields/cross sections from different photon reconstruction methods using the BLUE method

Previous heavy meson analysis workflow:

  start_FullOmegaAnalysis.sh [-$OPTION] $Data-file.root [$MC-file.root] eps

In case either the data- or MC-file is missing, you can just pass the macro a dummy string. E.g the command

bash start_FullOmegaAnalysis.sh /Path/To/datafile.root bla eps

If you start the start_FullOmegaAnalysis.sh macro by hand, you will be asked about several things needed for the signal extraction and correction. The questions are similar to the ones asked e.g. by start_FullMesonAnalysis_TaskV3.sh, however there are some differences, so we will go through the questions one-by-one in the following chapter.


First we start the macro using (e.g.):

bash start_FullOmegaMesonAnalysis.sh /referenceDirectory/Legotrain-vAN-20171122-7TeV-omegaAnalysis/LHC10_GammaConvNeutralMesonPiPlPiMiPiZero_0_29.root /referenceDirectory/Legotrain-vAN-20171122-7TeV-omegaAnalysis/LHC14j4_GammaConvNeutralMesonPiPlPiMiPiZero_0_29.root eps
The data file specified is /data/alice/pp7TeV/Legotrain-vAN-20171122-7TeV-omegaAnalysis/LHC10_GammaConvNeutralMesonPiPlPiMiPiZero_0_29.root
The MC file specified is /data/alice/pp7TeV/Legotrain-vAN-20171122-7TeV-omegaAnalysis/LHC14j4_GammaConvNeutralMesonPiPlPiMiPiZero_0_29.root
Which mode are you running? 40 (PCM-PCM *), 41 (PCM-EMCAL *), 42 (PCM-PHOS *), 43 (PCM-DCAL), 44 (EMCAL-EMCAL *), 45 (PHOS-PHOS*), 46 (DCAL-DCAL), 47 (PCM-DALITZ), 48 (EMCAL-DALITZ), 49 (PHOS-DALITZ), 50 (DCAL-DALITZ)

This information will later be used by the signal extraction macro to check if your choice is actually consistent with the input files you provided. After you entered the desired mode, you will be asked

Do you want to take an already exitsting CutSelection.log-file. Yes/No

If you select no, the macro will write all the cut strings found in the input file in a file called CutSelection.log sperated by [ENTER] (using the MakeCutLog.C macro) and then run the signal extraction (and correction) for each cut string in that file. If you select yes, the macro will search for an existing CutSelection.log file in the current working directory and run the afterburners for all cut strings contained in that file. This option is therefore useful if you just want to run the afterburners on a particular set of cut strings.

Let's assume we want to run the afterburners on all the cuts contained in the input file, so we answer with "no". The output should look something like this:

-> found TopDir: GammaConvNeutralMesonPiPlPiMiPiZero
Which collision system do you want to process? 8TeV (pp@8TeV), 7TeV (pp@7TeV), 13TeV (pp@7TeV, 900GeV (pp@900GeV), 2.76TeV (pp@2.76TeV), PbPb_2.76TeV (PbPb@2.76TeV), pPb_5.023TeV (pPb@5.023TeV)

Make sure that the macro detected all the cuts correctly and proceed by entering the collision system you are analysing. In this example, we will choose pp@7Tev.

The collision system has been selected to be 7TeV.
How many p_T bins do you want to use for Omega? 36(7gev), 37(8gev), 38(10gev), 39(12gev), 40 (16gev), 41 (20gev), 42 (25gev)
You have chosen  14  pt bins for Omega
mode has been chosen: 40 
I went into standard modes
Which fit do you want to do? CrystalBall or gaussian convoluted with an exponential function? CrystalBall/Gaussian?
Gaussian chosen ...
Please check that you really want to process all cuts, otherwise change the CutSelection.log. Remember at first all gamma cutstudies will be carried out. Make sure that the standard cut is the first in the file. Continue? Yes/No?


root -b -x- q -l 'TaskV1/ExtractSignalPiPlPiMiPiZero.C+("$MESONAME","/path/to/input.root","$CUTNUMBER","$SUFFIX","$MCOPTION","$ENERGY","Gaussian","","","",$NPTBINS,$OPTIONADDSIG,$MODE)'

Example usage (Data):

root -b -x- q -l 'TaskV1/ExtractSignalPiPlPiMiPiZero.C+("Omega","/data/alice/pp7TeV/Legotrain-vAN-20171122-7TeV-omegaAnalysis/LHC10_GammaConvNeutralMesonPiPlPiMiPiZero_0_29.root","0_00000113_00200009327000008250400000_0103503800000000_302010708_0d53503000000000","pdf","kFALSE","7TeV","Gaussian","","","",14,kFALSE,40)'

Example usage (MC):

root -b -x- q -l  'TaskV1/ExtractSignalPiPlPiMiPiZero.C+("Omega","/data/alice/pp7TeV/Legotrain-vAN-20171122-7TeV-omegaAnalysis/LHC14j4_GammaConvNeutralMesonPiPlPiMiPiZero_0_29.root","0_00000113_00200009327000008250400000_0103503800000000_302010708_0d53503000000000","pdf","kTRUE","7TeV","Gaussian","","","",14,kFALSE,40)'

Further Processing

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