To handle all the different possibilities to select our photons and neutral meson candidates we make use of a "cutstring" for the event cuts, conversion cuts, calo cuts and meson cuts. Changing for example a minimum energy threshold for your analysis will be done by changing a digit in the corresponding cutstring. It is recommended to open the classes in parallel so you can easily navigate around to find which digit corresponds to which cut.
Copy cuts.AddCut("80000113", "00200009327000008250404000", "0162103500900000");
Copy cuts.AddCut("80000113","1111141057032230000","01631031000000d0");
Copy cuts.AddCut("82400113","00200009327000008250400000","1111141057032230000","0163103100000010");
Copy //==============================================================
const char* AliConvEventCuts::fgkCutNames[AliConvEventCuts::kNCuts] = {
"HeavyIon", //0
"CentralityMin", //1
"CentralityMax", //2
"SelectSpecialTrigger", //3
"SelectSpecialSubTriggerClass", //4
"RemovePileUp", //5
"RejectExtraSignals", //6
"VertexCut", //7
const char* AliConversionPhotonCuts::fgkCutNames[AliConversionPhotonCuts::kNCuts] = {
"V0FinderType", // 0
"EtaCut", // 1
"MinRCut", // 2
"EtaForPhiCut", // 3
"MinPhiCut", // 4
"MaxPhiCut", // 5
"SinglePtCut", // 6
"ClsTPCCut", // 7
"ededxSigmaCut", // 8
"pidedxSigmaCut", // 9
"piMomdedxSigmaCut", // 10
"piMaxMomdedxSigmaCut", // 11
"LowPRejectionSigmaCut", // 12
"TOFelectronPID", // 13
"ITSelectronPID", // 14 -- new ITS PID
"TRDelectronPID", // 15 -- new TRD PID
"QtMaxCut", // 16
"Chi2GammaCut", // 17
"PsiPair", // 18
"DoPhotonAsymmetryCut", // 19
"CosinePointingAngle", // 20
"SharedElectronCuts", // 21
"RejectToCloseV0s", // 22
"DcaRPrimVtx", // 23
"DcaZPrimVtx", // 24
"EvetPlane" // 25
const char* AliCaloPhotonCuts::fgkCutNames[AliCaloPhotonCuts::kNCuts] = {
"ClusterType", //0 0: all, 1: EMCAL, 2: PHOS
"EtaMin", //1 0: -10, 1: -0.6687, 2: -0,5, 3: -2
"EtaMax", //2 0: 10, 1: 0.66465, 2: 0.5, 3: 2
"PhiMin", //3 0: -10000, 1: 1.39626
"PhiMax", //4 0: 10000, 1: 3.125
"NonLinearity1" //5
"NonLinearity2" //6
"DistanceToBadChannel", //7 0: 0, 1: 5
"Timing", //8 0: no cut
"TrackMatching", //9 0: 0, 1: 5
"ExoticCluster", //10 0: no cut
"MinEnergy", //11 0: no cut, 1: 0.05, 2: 0.1, 3: 0.15, 4: 0.2, 5: 0.3, 6: 0.5, 7: 0.75, 8: 1, 9: 1.25 (all GeV)
"MinNCells", //12 0: no cut, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6
"MinM02", //13
"MaxM02", //14
"MinM20", //15
"MaxM20", //16
"MaximumDispersion", //17
"NLM" //18
const char* AliConversionMesonCuts::fgkCutNames[AliConversionMesonCuts::kNCuts] = {
"MesonKind", //0
"BackgroundScheme", //1
"NumberOfBGEvents", //2
"DegreesForRotationMethod", //3
"RapidityMesonCut", //4
"RCut", //5
"AlphaMesonCut", //6
"SelectionWindow", //7
"SharedElectronCuts", //8
"RejectToCloseV0s", //9
"UseMCPSmearing", //10
"DcaGammaGamma", //11
"DcaRPrimVtx", //12
"DcaZPrimVtx", //13
"MinOpanMesonCut", //14
"MaxOpanMesonCut" //15