Converting the data
This page describes how to convert the raw data files saved by the CAEN DT5202 units or the HGCROC into a format we can work with in root.
CAEN data conversion
Single file
Running the data conversion for a single file can be done as follows for the 2024 data:
The option primary option here is "-c
which tells the program to convert the data based on the data format we used in August 2024, with the input being a txt file (originally named: RunXXX_list.txt, where XXX is the run number) and the option -o $CONVERTEDFILE.root
tells it to store the output in $CONVERTEDFILE.root
give the configurations for the setup of the readout and are mandatory. For the 2024 data these are:
Located in the same git repository. How to create a different mapping file is explained here. The option -f
, enforces the overwriting of the output files in case they existed already. Option -d 1
enables basic debugging output. This debug flag can be increased allowing you to see a bit better whats going on in case something goes wrong.
Should the data format of the Janus software used for the data taking with the CAEN DT5202 have changed (currently implemented versions: 3.3 & 3.1) for the files you would like to convert, you will have add the corresponding parser in bool Analyses::ConvertASCII2Root(void)
For the September 2023 data unfortunately the majority of the raw txt-files has been lost and only a previous version of the converted data into a root format remains. For those you can provide the file "-c
which should automatically trigger the data conversion based on the old root format. DO NOT TRY THIS WITH A CONVERTED FILE IN THE NEW FORMAT!
For convenience we prepared several scripts which already contain basic setups with the run numbers options needed to convert the data in the correct way. We recommend using those for the massive conversion of data (see below).
September 2023 data
The data taken in September 2023 at the SPS-H4 beam line, was taken without absorber plates presents. The logbook can be found here, if you don't have access please ask Friederike for it. The raw data for this campaign was unfortunately partially lost and thus a separate routine had to be introduced reading the data from the initially converted root files. The conversion can be done with:
As for the
, please add your username and the path to the data. The script is under construction and even under all might only have few runs commented in, feel free to uncomment the rest.
October 2023 data
The data taken in October 2023 at the PS-T09 beam line, was taken with only 14 layers, parasitic to the FOCal-E with various number of thin tungsten plates infront of the mini-LFHCal module. The logbook can be found here, if you don't have access please ask Friederike for it. This data was taken with a previous version of the Janus software, as such the reading works a little differently. So far only the data converter has been tested and adapted
As for the
, please add your username and the path to the data. The script is under construction and even under all might only have few runs commented in, feel free to uncomment the rest.
Attention for a few runs (201,202,203,204,205), the converter will fail as a few channels were accidentally masked breaking the conversion. This data will have to be discarded. As we further develop the code more functionality will become available.
August 2024 data
The data taken in August/September 2024 at the PS-T09 beam line is the first data available for a full module. The logbook can be found here, if you don't have access please ask Friederike for it. A summary of the CAEN data taking campaign can be found on our wiki. The data conversion can be done using the script
As for the
, please add your username and the path to the data. This script so far contains all pedestal and muon runs under the flag all
. Further runs will be added in the future, so please check frequently what options you have for the 2nd argument.
HGCROC data conversion
Last updated